Birthday Pizza

A Brazilian recipe usually served in children's birthdays.

Recipe only, no story since I have no time at all.

6 cups flour
2 cups lukewarm water
1 cup oil
20 g yeast
2 tablespoon sugar
1tablespoon salt

Filling  to taste


Mix water and yeast in a containeir and wait five minutes for the yest to froth. Then, mix it with the rest of ingredients. Knead the dough for 3 to 4 minutes. The dough becomes really soft and elastic. Place it in a greased baking pan. You may need more than one pan since the dough will rise a lot. Let it rest for 20 minutes.
The dough rises like this:

Bake it for 20 minutes and then cover it with some sauce (the sauce must be cold). Bake it for 10 more minutes and then cover it with cheese and what-else you want. Bake it until the cheese is well melted.

Serve cold.


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